
Please visit our Youtube Channel for explanatory videos or find the links below…

Ankle Sprain and Fibula Treatment

Atypical Cervical Spine Diagnosis and Treatment

Balanced Ligamentous Tension (BLT)

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Provocative Maneuvers

Cervical Diagnosis and HVLA with rotational emphasis

Counterstrain and Facilitated Positional Release

Cranial Introduction

Cranial Strain Patterns

Ligamentous Articular Strain (LAS)

Lymphatic Treatments

Lumbar HVLA

Muscle Energy

Myofascial Release

Neurophysiology of Somatic Dysfunctions

Pelvis Diagnosis

Pelvis Treatment

Pregnant patient OMT

Rapid OMT Screen

Rib Diagnosis

Bonus Rib Dances

Ruddy Technique

Sacral Introductory Video

Sacral Diagnosis, Torsions

Sacral Diagnosis, Unilaterals and Bilaterals

Bonus Sacrum Dance

Sacral Diagnosis Flow Sheet PDF

Spencer Technique for the Shoulder

Still Technique

Thoracic Diagnosis and HVLA

31 Comments on “Videos”

  1. Rita says:

    Your videos are fantastic! Thank you for the help!

  2. Scott says:

    These videos are extremely helpful. I enjoyed watching them and look forward to future videos. Thank you guys and keep up the good work!!

  3. Matter says:

    This website is awesome. Thank you for putting in the effort on this collaboration. These videos have helped me so much.

  4. Msu com 2001 says:

    Hey can you demonstrate some cranioscacral holds?

  5. Msu com 2001 says:

    How about champmans points?

  6. Msu com 2001 says:

    Thanks great review

    • Thanks so much for your support and requests. We are currently working on a cranial video and will work on getting a chapman video up as well. I hope to have them up by next week.

  7. Msu com 2001 says:

    Great I have my recert exam Tuesday march 13 this has been helpful

  8. stu says:

    you guys are awesome, keep up the good work!

  9. Kevin agrest Do says:

    This site was wonderful. Helped my pass my recert exam today!!!! :). Thanks a million!!!Kevin Agrest msu com 2001

  10. Dane Klein says:

    I’ve been following your videos for the past couple months. They’re a great OMM/OMT resource! You even demo some techniques the ACOFP videos don’t. I REALLY appreciate all the videos you’ve posted, and hope to see more soon. Thanks again!

  11. Isam says:

    awesome videos, great for learning things M1/M2 year, rotations and prepping for the PE boards. keep them coming and thanks!!!

  12. Jillian says:

    AMAZING prep for the COMLEX. Especially when you can’t stand to read anymore…I cannot thank you guys enough. This has been so valuable in my studying-for both the boards & OPP class.

  13. I am korean physical therapist.
    This website is fantastic.

  14. Andrea says:

    Thanks from italy!

  15. Rei Perdio says:

    can you put a video about sacral torsion treatment. thanks.

  16. Michael Jacobi says:

    Love it! I dont think there is anything else on the web with such clear explanations and examples.
    Also, although off-topic, everyone is so cute here 🙂
    Thank you so much!

  17. derp says:

    Why do you have diagnosis, but not treatment?

  18. Ingrid says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am studying for board recertification and am so happy to have discovered these videos! Your explanations are clear, succinct and so well-delivered! Thanks for taking the time and putting them out there for all of us to benefit. Great job!

  19. Susan says:

    These videos are fantastic. I purchased the video series from the ACOFP and they can’t hold up next to yours. I am using them for board recertification as well. Thank you for making it fun and taking some of the stress out of studying!

  20. gooddo says:

    I agree with all above. This has been very helpful to me in studying for board recertification. One of the videos says to look at the Rib Treatment Video but I can’t find one. Do you have video that shows how to treat ribs? I would like to review this before recert exam next week. Thank you!

    • The “Rib dance” video has information on treating ribs with muscle energy and the “Still technique” video mentions a treatment for the first rib. We are planning on putting up a few new videos and will try to get a complete rib treatment video up. I hope this helps. Good luck on the recert!

  21. Alphonso says:

    Guys just did my recertification exam today, did very well. I stumbled on your video and it was a my good luck. Don’t think I could have passed without your videos, clear concise and to the point. Haven’t done any OMT in over ten years, you have rekindled my love of OMT, will try harder to incorporate in my daily practice Thanks very much, keep up the good work.

  22. Hi, have you posted the chap mans pint videos yet? I couldn’t find them.

  23. Robert says:

    What is a good omt tx for cts?

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