Quick Pimps: GI Bleeding

This is a common topic to be pimped on in Emergency Medicine.  This pathology is not uncommon, can manifest with varying signs and symptoms and is associated with a high mortality.  This topic is extremely important to understand, not only because of its occurrence rate and related mortality, but because the actions taken immediately in the Emergency Department can have a significant impact on patient course and outcome.

This topic is full of clinical pearls, interesting pharmacology, practical decision tools and my favorite…pseudoaxioms!

Quick Pimps: Acute GI Bleeding PDF Preview

Disclaimer: this cartoon is meant to say NG tubes are safe. Their efficacy is up for debate.

NG tubes bad

Mutiple Endocrine Neoplasias (MEN syndromes)

“Oh, this is definitely MEN syndrome….but which one?

No matter how many times I have memorized these syndromes I feel like the information is gone after a week.  I looked around for helpful study tips but since most use a combination of “this many Ps and that many Ms”…yet everything is a P or M, I was lost.

I made this diagram because I am a visual learner and it only seemed right to point out that there are only a few differences.  I hope this helps for boards.  This seems to show up on every USMLE and COMLEX.

Multiple Endocrine NeoplasiasMultiple Endocrine Neoplasias

Quick Pimps: Approach to Rheumatic Patient

Here is a quick overview of many rheumatologic pathologies.  My goal was to create a quick visual aid to assist in differential diagnosis and managing the dreaded rheumatology board question.  I plan on editing and adding to the form so I welcome any comments.

Approach to Rheumatic Patient

approach to rheumatic patient pic

Quick Pimps: Criteria and Rules Quick Reference Sheet

I am working on a few podcasts but in the meantime I thought I’d share a new sheet that is helping me during my Internal Medicine rotation.  It is a work in progress so let me know about any corrections or additions you can think of.

Criteria and Rules Sheet

criteria and rules

Quick Pimps: Causes of Postoperative Fever

Postoperative fever is an extremely common finding and therefore an extremely common topic for med students to be pimped on. Fever is found in as many as 91% of post-op patients. It is most often benign and self-limited and a normal physiologic response to the trauma of surgery.  However it can be due to a variety of causes, some benign and some life threatening.

  • Ws mnemonic
    • POD 1-2: Wind– Pneumonia, Aspiration, PE (NOT ATELECTASIS…listen to podcast for more details)
    • POD 3-5: Water– UTI
    • POD ~5: Walking– DVT, PE
    • POD ~7: Wound– Surgical Site Infection
    • POD >7: What we did– Line infections of drug/blood product reactions at any time
    • POD >10: Wonder Where?- Deep Abcess

Causes of Postoperative Fever Podcast

Postoperative fever notes

Evaluating postoperative fever: A focused approach. By James C. Pile MD

Quick Pimps: Treatment of Hyperkalemia

Quick Pimps is a new series where I will quickly discuss topics that medical students are commonly “pimped” on.  This first episode I will discuss the treatment of hyperkalemia.  I will rapidly go through an overview of the treatment and then go more extensively in to details on the different treatment modalities.

Treatment of Hyperkalemia Podcast

Treatment of Hyperkalemia Powerpoint